Silver Pride Project

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Portia Faces Life: Feeling my AGE

I am old. Not quite decrepit, but in a body not maintained as well as it could’ve been. A variety of chronic conditions have settled in.

And that leaves me “tired“. Physically, emotionally, spiritually, socially, psychologically etc. To be clear, I’m far from ready to check out. There are people, things and events that continue to inspire me...friends that celebrate each other, people who love openly and generously, a city-wide network of crazy queers who fight back against guilt, shame, bigotry and the Darkness. A logical ( as opposed to bio ) family who inspire, surprise and delight me.

But lawdy, lawdy, I am tired.

I have not retreated from ‘real life’ because they keep me fighting to participate... with PRIDE !

So…inspire of the aches, the pain and the associated tiredness…I will continue on fighting AND facing life!
